Spring, 2021

Dear Friends of John Burroughs’ Woodchuck Lodge,
One hundred years ago –– March 29, 1921 –– on a train from California to New York, John Burroughs asked his traveling companion, “How far are we from home?” He died before Clara Barrus could answer.
If Burroughs were to return to his beloved Woodchuck Lodge in 2021, he’d find it lovingly cared for and comfortingly familiar.
Despite this past year’s many challenges, our board of trustees and dedicated volunteers have maintained a rigorous agenda, checking off many important boxes on the perpetual to-do list that keeps Woodchuck Lodge looking and feeling like “Uncle John’s” rustic Catskills retreat.
Were Burroughs to return, he’d find his apple orchard pruned (and expanded) with heirloom trees, the surrounding brush cleared, and wildflowers blanketing the hillside. A new “poet’s path” wends through the orchard and a selection of his own literary quotes dot the trail. We hope he’d be happy to discover new stone benches, a sundial, and a small pond!
He’d note that the woodshed he built held up remarkably well; almost toowell. Just don’t tell Mr. Burroughs that his version finally rotted and collapsed. We carefully replaced it 100 years later, and we invested in restoration of the stone wall that runs behind it.
“I always feel that I have missed some good fortune if I am away from home when my bees swarm,” wrote Burroughs. Mr. Burroughs, your bees are still very much in residence. But we’ve added a small sign to warn visitors who may not appreciate your love of the buzzing colonists. We also added a 2021-compliant address marker on your garage, and a small parking area across the road that your friend Henry Ford would surely have appreciated.
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