Wild Saturdays: Catskill Fungi on May 6th, 2017

© J.N. Urbanski

Saturday May 6, 2017: Fungi Of The Catskills

This Saturday, John Michelotti, owner of Catskill Fungi and President of the Mid-Hudson Mycological Association, discusses the ecological functions of fungi, common edibles and medicinal mushrooms in the Catskills, as well as historic uses of fungi and present day research and innovations. Learn to easily grow mushrooms indoors or in your garden as companions to your plants this season. Find out more at CatskillFungi.com. This event takes place at Woodchuck Lodge, 1633 Burroughs Memorial Road, Roxbury, NY 12474.

Phases of Farm Life

© J.N. Urbanski

“The wise human eye loves modesty and humility; loves plain, simple structures; loves the unpainted barn that took no thought of itself, or the dwelling that looks inward and not outward; it is offended when the farm buildings get above their business and aspire to be something on their own account, suggesting, not cattle and crops and plain living, but the vanities of the town and the pride of dress and equipage.”

Phases of Farm Life, In the Catskills John Burroughs

Radio Interview on WIOX

© J.N. Urbanski

To promote our Wild Saturday events at Woodchuck Lodge John Michelotti of Catskill Fungi and Mairead Mulhern, Environmental Educator at Mine Kill and Max V. Shaul State Parks will be appearing on WIOX Radio on Monday morning May 1st. They will be the second and third guests on “The Economy Of” with J.N. Urbanski. The show is broadcast for an hour from 9am to 10am on Monday, but to hear only our Woodchuck Lodge guests, tune in at about 9.20am.

Welcome to the Woodchuck Lodge Blog

© J.N. Urbanski

Welcome to Woodchuck Lodge’s brand new website. Stay tuned on the blog for the latest happenings in and around John Burroughs’ home and gravesite, a property that is conserved by a non-profit organization of the same name, devoted to preserving the lodge, headed by Bill Birns, a local Catskills historian.

The lodge opens to the public on May 5th with the first of our Wild Saturdays!